We have to beat FCN .and the result of JUV vs SHK Depends our Chances.
Chlesea's Chances are like this
1)JUV Wins
if Juv beats SHK the goal difference is crucial, if juve beat them by atleast 1 goal, Shaktars Goal Difference become +4. We have +1 Goal Difference now, So we must have to score 4 Goals to ( +5 Goal Difference ) Overcome SHK .
Res: JUV and CHE in SHK OUT
2) SHK Wins
This will make the situation simple.
Just a Win needed
Res: CHE, SHK in JUV out
3) SHK Draws JUV
if Juv Draws SHK, JUV have 10 pts and SHK will have 11
So we must have to beat FCN +7 GD goals.
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